The Zichron Yaakov Eliyahu Fund is working on a sequel to the Elucidated Derech Hashem, called the Elucidated Maamarei HaRamchal. It will bs"d include three of the Ramchal's important works that have never been systematically translated and elucidated.
They are as follows:
[1] Maamar HaIkarim is essentially a very useful review of many of the concepts found in Derech Hashem, with many significant additions.
[2] Maamar HaChochmah is another collection of the Ramchal’s writings found in the back of the Yalkut Yedios HaEmes edition of Derech Hashem. It can be broken down into three major parts: (1) The special tefillos of Rosh Hashanah, including much hashkafah regarding the significance of that day. (2) The Pesach Seder, explaining the impact each of the mitzvos of that night has on our lives. This chapter was printed in our Pesach Kuntress, this year, p. 125. (3) Other interesting topics, including the nature of gilgulim and the fundamental nature of the books of Tanach.
[3] Maamar al HaHagados. This relatively short work is printed in the introductions of many editions of Midrash Rabbah and Ein Yaakov to explain the purpose of the Aggados of Chazal. Included in its detailed analysis of the Aggadah portion of the Torah, it offers crucial insight into what seems to be faulty scientific information in some of these passages.
We are now offering sponsorships to help cover hiring editors (two editors have already been hired), typesetters, and cover designers to prepare this work for printing, and then pay for the printing and the shipping to the distributor.
Click here for a sponsorship form.